360climatechange 30 Dec 2019

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(SRI LANKA - July 2019)  Impacts of Climate Change on Sri Lanka
02 Jan 2020
(SRI LANKA - July 2019) Impacts of Climate Change on Sri Lanka
360climatechange · 12 Views

(2013) Climate Change Adaptation: it's time for decisions now | GIZ


"We know enough about climate change -- It's time for decisions now!" Animated film. Length: 5'42"

The impacts of climate change destroy people's livelihoods and homes. They damage our infrastructure and disrupt communication and trade. Moreover, climate change is endangering development successes and the poor and marginalized are often affected the most. Even if we were to stop emissions instantly, the world would not stop warming immediately due to the amount of gases we have already emitted. That's why we must do both: reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to inevitable climate change. But how can we adapt, considering that the precise extent and form of climate change aren't known?

Animation film by the International Climate Initiative (ICI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), produced by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).


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(SRI LANKA - July 2019)  Impacts of Climate Change on Sri Lanka
02 Jan 2020
(SRI LANKA - July 2019) Impacts of Climate Change on Sri Lanka
360climatechange · 12 Views