360climatechange 30 Dec 2019

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(BAHAMAS - September 2019) Hurricane Dorian leaves trail of destruction across the Bahamas
31 Dec 2019
(BAHAMAS - September 2019) Hurricane Dorian leaves trail of destruction across the Bahamas
360climatechange · 18 Görünümler

(CANADA - September 2018) Demonstrating Benefits Carbon Neutral Farm Rural Ontario

14 Görünümler

On March 15, 2018, industry stakeholders gathered at Harcolm Farms to celebrate North America’s 1st installation of a small, factory built farm-scale anaerobic digester to generate renewable electricity from dairy cattle manure. This ground-breaking project received funding from the BLOOM Cleantech Demonstration Program: http://bloomcentre.com/cleante....ch-demonstration-pro

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Bir sonraki

(BAHAMAS - September 2019) Hurricane Dorian leaves trail of destruction across the Bahamas
31 Dec 2019
(BAHAMAS - September 2019) Hurricane Dorian leaves trail of destruction across the Bahamas
360climatechange · 18 Görünümler