360climatechange 01 Jan 2020

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(Jan 5, 2020) Firefighters need more funding and resources to fight bushfires claim advocates | ABC
06 Jan 2020
(Jan 5, 2020) Firefighters need more funding and resources to fight bushfires claim advocates | ABC
360climatechange · 19 Views

(INDONESIA, 01 January 2020, Massive Floods) Duka Kabupaten Lebak di awal tahun 2020. Banjir bandang


Banjir bandang melanda beberapa daerah di Kabupaten Lebak. Hujan yang terus mengguyur dalam beberapa hari ini membuat sungai tidak bisa lagi menampung aliran hujan

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(Jan 5, 2020) Firefighters need more funding and resources to fight bushfires claim advocates | ABC
06 Jan 2020
(Jan 5, 2020) Firefighters need more funding and resources to fight bushfires claim advocates | ABC
360climatechange · 19 Views