360climatechange 25 Dec 2019

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(Jan 5, 2020) Firefighters need more funding and resources to fight bushfires claim advocates | ABC
06 Jan 2020
(Jan 5, 2020) Firefighters need more funding and resources to fight bushfires claim advocates | ABC
360climatechange · 19 Views

MAY 2019: Severe floods in Mali claim at least 15 lives

In Mali

*The Malian capital of Bamako was on Thursday struck by heavy floods which claimed at least 15 lives and inflicted serious property damage, authorities said.*

Some of the victims said the ministers who visited vowed to send vehicles in order to move them somewhere for the night, adding they also promised to do everything they can.

"We lost all our stuff, the water took everything away, everything we had, water took everything away, we had four dead on our side," said Awa, a victim.

The Mal…
READ MORE : http://[a]www.africanews.com%2F2019%2F05%2F17%2Fsevere-floods-in-mali-claim-at-least-15-lives[/a]

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(Jan 5, 2020) Firefighters need more funding and resources to fight bushfires claim advocates | ABC
06 Jan 2020
(Jan 5, 2020) Firefighters need more funding and resources to fight bushfires claim advocates | ABC
360climatechange · 19 Views